Rabbits always need access to food, water, safe hiding places, toys and lots of space to run around.
Rabbits are highly social animals, they are playful and inquisitive and need to interact and play with other rabbits when possible. Many enjoy interacting with people but don't necessarily enjoy being picked up, they would much rather interact on their level.
Constant access to good quality hay is important for emotional wellbeing as well as dental and digestive health.
They should be supplied with suitable materials that allow them to dig (e.g. a sand box), and areas to mark territory with chin secretions, urine and droppings. Scents are an important communication method for rabbits.
You need to be observant, if your rabbit’s behaviour changes or your rabbit shows signs of stress or fear, you should seek advice from a rabbit-savvy vet, as they could be distressed, bored, ill or injured.
Rabbit’s behaviour depends on age, personality and past experiences. Rabbits that are frightened or in pain may change their behaviour or develop unwanted habits like becoming aggresisive or hiding.
Signs that a rabbit may be suffering from stress or fear can include hiding, chewing the cage bars, over-grooming, altered feeding or toileting habits, sitting hunched with a reluctance to move/ or repeatedly circling the enclosure.
You should never shout at or punish rabbits, they are very unlikely to understand and can become more nervous/scared. If your rabbit's behaviour becomes an ongoing problem, feel free to contact us or contact your local vet.