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Rabbit Boarding




All rabbits are provided with accommodation which is suited to their individual needs/ preferences and requirements. Our main hutches are at least 6 foot in length, with access to an outdoor run (weather permitting). We can board rabbits either inside or outside depending on their needs/requirements but this is subject to availability. 

We have various options available for bedding, this includes blankets, wood shavings and straw, please do let us know if your rabbit has a preference and if they have a preference of litter. Unlimited hay is provided as part of their daily dietary needs. In the warmer/drier months they will have access to outdoor runs with constant supervision and security. During the evening, all animals are safely shut in their hutches in our secure garden.


You are welcome to bring with you any toys and written instructions that will make your rabbit feel welcome, settled and happy. We also provide a wide variety of fresh forage and enrichment. All rabbits will receive fresh food everyday, if there are any special dietary requirements or favourite vegetables/fruit that your animals like, then we ask that you let us know at the time of booking so we can accommodate these needs.


Health & Hygiene:


For the protection of the rabbits at the rescue and also our boarding animals, rabbits must be vaccinated against VHD 1&2 and Myxomatosis (at least two weeks prior to arrival). We will require proof before your booking is accepted. Pets will not be admitted if showing any visible signs of clinical illnesses or distress, but caring advice will be given. If your pet does become ill whilst in our care, or needs veterinary assistance we will call the attention of our local vet. Any treatment will have to be charged to you directly from the vet under your name and address. However, you will be contacted immediately if we have any concerns. Your choice of vet is also offered if preferred. If directed we can administer any medication to your pet whilst you are away, but we ask that you let us know in advance of this, and also provide enough medication for the duration of their stay. We care very strongly for your pet and will only act within their best interest.




All fees include clean, fresh daily bedding, hay, forage and fresh vegetables.

We do ask that you provide enough of your pets dried food and any other dietary requirements; their stomach is very sensitive and therefore a change of diet could cause stomach upsets, leading to veterinary trips.​


£7 a night for a single rabbit

£10 a night for 2 rabbits sharing the same accommodation


If your rabbit requires their nails to be clipped or to be groomed during their stay this will incur an extra £5 charge per rabbit.


If your rabbit requires medication during their stay there will be an extra charge for this, depending on what is involved, please discuss this with us before booking.

Booking Enquiry Form

Accommodation Type
Number of rabbits

Thank you for your enquiry!

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